
Delicatelybuiltsmallploverwithbrightyelloweyerings.Notedullpinkishlegsandlargewhiteforeheadpatch(inadults).Plumagemuchlikebulkier ...,Stoutshorebirdwithastubbybill.Noteorangelegs,oftenbrightonspringadults.Breedingplumagehasboldblack-and-whiteheadandbreastpattern; ...,Thelittleringedplover(Charadriusdubius)isasmallplover.ThegenusnameCharadriusisaLateLatinwordforayellowishbirdmentionedinthe ...,...

Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius

Delicately built small plover with bright yellow eyerings. Note dull pinkish legs and large white forehead patch (in adults). Plumage much like bulkier ...

Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula

Stout shorebird with a stubby bill. Note orange legs, often bright on spring adults. Breeding plumage has bold black-and-white head and breast pattern; ...

Little ringed plover

The little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius) is a small plover. The genus name Charadrius is a Late Latin word for a yellowish bird mentioned in the ...

Common ringed plover

The common ringed plover or ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula) is a small plover that breeds across much of northern Eurasia, as well as Greenland.

Ringed Plover

Adult Ringed Plover are distinctive with their black 'bandit' eye-masks and orange legs. When nesting, individuals will feign a broken-wing to draw predators ...

Ringed Plover Facts

The Ringed Plover is a small, dumpy, short-legged wading bird. It's brownish grey above and whitish below. It has an orange bill, tipped with black, orange legs ...

Ringed plover

The ringed plover is a small wader that nests around the coast, flooded gravel pits and reservoirs. It is similar to the little ringed plover, but is a ...